Monday, October 29, 2007

Yo, I'm in the Buildin'!

I've arrived! Time to get started...

My life sort of choatic right now: moving (again), shows (Amel Larrieux tommorow night at the Blue Note!), and wondering...wondering what the heck my next move will be! Thought I'd try my hand at this here blog thing and see where it take me...or I take it. :) I'm down to the wire with packing and will have to pull an all nighter since I procrastinated. I mean, it was just friggin' October 4! I will miss this place since it was my first "official" apartment: cozy, hardwood floors, quiet neighborhood. The only thing I won't miss are the cold ass winters! I have learned that I must be control of my own heat. I'm sure PSE&G will love me.

Well the sun is setting and my boxes and suitcases are waiting...

Stay Gold.

1 comment:

Clay said...

Hello - you won the caption contest. Please email me your mailing address so I can send you a season three of Girlfriends.